Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Allah Weeps in Shame

Allah weeps is a company formed to heighten awareness and consciousness. Only through self awareness and enlightenment can we transcend our differences. When we experience pleasure or enlightenment we utter the sound ahhhhh. Did you know that "ah" is the sound of creation? Think about it.


All contain the sound ahhhhh. Interesting that Allah is broken down to All Creation just as Universe is broken down to One Song. I believe Allah is not interested in the conversion, domination or submission of his joyous creations but rather their ultimate remembering of who they really are. To re member is to re join. Re member GOD. Re member Allah. Re member All Creation. To think that Allah would require submission under penalty of hell and suffering is to place our human frailties upon the creator. Nonsense! This idea was introduced by humans to control the masses. Masses? Interesting. God forbid, quite literally they preach "God forbid" you follow your heart and think for yourself. Allah is weeping at the radical factions that would visit terror upon his innocent children. It is time to stop hurting each other in the name of Allah or any God. Invite yourself to move past that which you have been taught as true. Do your very best and you send a message to the Universe stating who you really are. The Universe simply replies, "indeed you are" and it becomes reality. You are Gods information and we are Gods in formation. Let’s start “being” the part.